Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Much criticism came to those who opposed President Obama's speech and lesson plan in our public schools. The question was asked, "How can you oppose a message on education and for personal responsibility?". Are we being just a little over-protective? I submit that we are not. It was never the "content" of the speech, it has always been the "WHY" and "HOW" it was being delivered and "WHAT" was going to follow and "WHO" was going help promote the President's initiatives. The camel's nose is in the tent.

Recently, we have learned about the White House is illegally working directly with the NEA (National Endowment of the Arts) to collaborate the efforts of artists, producers, actors, and film makers to "move the needle" on Obama's agenda concerning healthcare, the environment, and education.
The story can be found here:
Don't just stop at this particular blog... read through all of the developments and listen to all of the conference call recordings on this site.

Secondly, we are seeing many disturbing videos surface, in which, celebrities pledge allegiance to Obama or are misinforming or scaring people.
Some of these videos can be found here:
1. (this is being shown in schools AND over 4000 copies have been purchased from school districts alone). If you are not sure what is so wrong with this video... here is the debunk: (see all 4 videos... links are on the video)

2. (the notorious I PLEDGE video)

4. (this is pre-election stuff. Ask yourselves... are these feelings justified now? What is the change promised vs. that actual change that is taking place? Is the change divisive or inclusive?)

Now that we established that propaganda is happening, we need to ask ourselves, "What is propaganda? and is it bad?"
Definition: Propaganda is communication aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response.
How often do we accept and justify messages in our homes because the message "in part" is motivating or good, however, a small dishonest or damaging message that is mingled within slips through? Neighbors and friends, I submit to you that the Advisary is cunning and very very crafty with the presentation of a message that we all know down to our core will threaten our liberty and property. A message of economic slavery, submission, and surrender is being delivered in the guise of "service" and "compassion". A divisive social mantra is being delivered under the cover of "equality" and "choice". Socialism is being delivered disguised as "liberty" or "democracy". Social activism is offered as "civic responsibility" and "education". We are made to feel like racists for asking questions or dissenting to a political philosophy of control and force. We are made to feel like bigots for the tenets of our Faith and objective morality. For the Statist, the ends justify the means. The means are riddled with lies or violence. Human History testifies of this truth.

We have already witnessed evidence of propaganda surrounding the goals and efforts of this White House. The Tide Foundation,, Hollywood, Viacom (MTV, Comedy Central, Noggin), NBC (GE), SEIU, Acorn, and TimeWarner (among many other foundations and corporations) are all complicit in "getting the word out" in order to build a "new foundation" and "social change" for America.

You are probably asking yourselves, "So what does this have to do with the Obama speech to our children?". Well.... the speech marks the beginning of establishing a report and direct line of communication with the children, using the Department of Education and entertainment channels and resources owned by Viacom as a conduit. Who is better at indoctrination than the propaganda professionals at Viacom? The lesson plan is a first step, in which, children will make commitments to their dear leader. Discussion on social programs (like environment, healthcare, education, etc) are sparked in the classroom. A website,, is already up and running encouraging students into education ACTIVISM by encouraging your child to write to the Governor of your State with a seemingly innocent letter that has already been written. This is where you will find the details of the "contest" the President referred to in his speech. You can click on "help your kid find a career" and click on "people I admire". A few choices in "celebrity" types along with Barrack Obama are given. There is no mention of Jesus Christ, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or even Martin Luther King.

Parents... open your eyes and be aware of what is going on. It is OK to be skeptical and suspicious when the evidence supporting this mass propaganda campaign is evident. Arm yourself with the truth and act without fear. Pay attention to your schools and television programming. Most of all, pray and seek guidance on how to protect ourselves and our children.

God Bless,

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