Friday, July 31, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Monthly Faith Forum Series

Arizona Interfaith Movement is pleased to invite you to ...

Monthly Faith Forum Series
Beginning in September, the Arizona Interfaith Movement will be offering to the community Faith Forums to explore together topics such as "The First Amendment," "Religion and Nationalism," and "The Meaning of Religious Symbols." The Fall Series will be held at the "DOME" Building at Phoenix College, 1202 West Thomas Rd. in Phoenix, 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Please see our website for further details and watch for our special invitations. We hope you can bring your lunch (or RSVP for lunch) and join us!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

State vs Federal

Here's an interesting article:

Nebraskan's Assert State Sovereignty

Some have argued this is a peaceable approach to getting the big, onerous federal government out of our lives. A revolution of sorts, without ever firing a bullet. From the article it looks like a majority of states are following suit.

"Seven states passed resolutions this year affirming their sovereignty, and resolutions were introduced in 30 others. Some states have filed lawsuits or taken legislative action to challenge federal laws."

Many of the original groups behind are joining together for the Nationwide Recess Rally. This is a collaborative effort to make it known that we will not stand for socialized, government controlled healthcare.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Christian teachers - It's time to fly!

Christian teachers - It's time to fly! (

...the NEA's retiring General Counsel Bob Chanin took to the stage to deliver his outgoing remarks. His inspiring and uplifting message asserted the profound commitment held by the NEA to the betterment of American society: "We are not paranoid, someone really is after us. Why are these conservative and right-wing b****rds picking on NEA and its affiliates? I will tell you why: it is the price we pay for success."

Really Bob? Is name-calling necessary?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Beat them at their own game!

Here's a great story about how the Dallas Tea Partiers beat the MoveOn(.org) at their own game!

Dallas Tea Party activists out flank MoveOn at Obamacare protest.

If we keep this kind of thing up, MoveOn will have no choice but to do exactly that: MOVE ON!

An Expiramentation of Socialism

I got this in an email and thought I would share. Whether true or not, the theory has merit that cannot be ignored. 6th principle: I have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class.

That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan".

All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.

After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy.

As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little. The second test average was a D! No one was happy.

When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F..

The scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.

Could not be any simpler than that.

Monday, July 20, 2009

On Saturday I went to the Principles of Liberty seminar held at Mesquite High School. It was basically an in-depth discussion of The 5,000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen and it was really great. Bill Norton from the National Center for Constitutional Studies (NCCS) taught the class, as he does all over the nation. One minor note that he shared with us that I wanted to pass along is this: Between 1981 and last year, The 5,000 Year Leap had done moderate sales of about 60,000 copies. Mind you, that's over almost 30 years. In the last six months about 250,000 copies have been sold.
The NCCS has one objective--to get the people educated. I think that on a small degree it's working, but there is much more that we can do to help. The City of Gilbert sponsers a Constitution Week every year on the weekend of Sept. 17th. This year it will be held on Sept. 18-19th on the football fields behind Mesquite High School. It's a great opportunity to take your families and learn more about the founding of our country. Go to and click on Events Calendar to learn more.

Right Wing Extremists

This video and others by Molotov Mitchel had my 9 year old in stitches...

You can find more of Molotov Mitchel's "For the Record:" segments on World News Daily or YouTube.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

How's this for a visual?

Remember we absolutely needed to pass that 787 Billion stimulus (without reading it) or the whole world would come collapsing down? Hmmmm...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Oh what a tangled web we weave....

Please take the time to watch the whole clip. We can't let apathy overtake us.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Obamacare...bureaucracy at its best.

House Democratic Leaders unveiled their plan for health care...

The visual is breathtaking...

I'm at a loss for words. Yes, I think health care/medical costs are out of control, but isn't that because of the bureaucracy we ALREADY have in place? I'm certainly not an expert on the subject, but I don't think adding more cooks in the kitchen will make this soup any easier to swallow. Obama HEAVILY criticized John McCain during the campaign for proposing a tax on Health Care benefits...but apparently Obama's okay with that now?


Look, I don't want to see anymore taxes to pay for anything? Can't we just cut back on the out-of-control spending we already have going on? Oh, and I hate to mention it, but have we forgotten about this big, bad economy thing we are dealing with? I know Obama said he can walk and chew gum at the same time, but really his performance is underwhelming. Apparently I'm not alone -- the latest from Rasmussen Reports:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 29% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-five percent (35%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of –6 (see trends).

In the health care debate, 50% of voters now oppose creation of a public insurance company to compete with private insurers. Seventy-eight percent (78%) believe that health care reform is likely to lead to middle class tax hikes.

Any thoughts?

So this is what the GOP minority leader had to say...

I do have to mention a couple of pieces of legislation/amendments that I've caught wind of that I can definitely get behind and hopefully you can too. I'm not sure if they are still in conceptual phase or have actually made it onto a legislative agenda...maybe someone with more expertise in maneuvering bureaucratic government websites could possibly find them...
  • Read the bill: Nothing too tricky about this, require everyone to read the bill before final passage.
  • Let us read the bill: Again, is it too much to ask that our Representatives post the bill online and let us view their legislation/amendments in their full glory, a full 24 hours before the final vote.
  • Adopt the same health care: Now this one is intriguing, This would require our representatives to adopt the same health care plan for themselves that they pass for us. Update: just found this resolution, click here, and send a letter of support to your representative. (H. Res. 615)
If any of you have any information on these proposals, please share!

And so for my final thought...

It might not be as far-fetched as it seems.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Screaming at my TV - I promise I'm not crazy

I have NEVER in my LIFE felt like my head would explode, but I am SCREAMING at the TV right now as I listen to the President of the United States of America posturing before the world, claiming his right to obligate us to not only pump massive funding into correcting global climate change (while China, Brazil and India abstain) and HELPING other LESS FORTUNATE countries to do the same. I can't stand it, and I am generally a reasonable human being. It is my natural reaction, and I can't stop myself. My 17 year old thinks I am going insane, but insanity breeds insanity. I am unable to fathom how to stop this, but we MUST try anything we can.

My proclamation for the day: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS BROKE--what do we NOT understand about that... Please take a financial management class dear Government officials. Spend less than you earn...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tea Party and Information

Submitted by Monica Shumway.

I attended the Gilbert Tea Party on July 4. Many speakers encouraged us to become educated and involved. We were encouraged to not wait for someone else to do something, but to become educated, speak up and act.
Here are some of the resources that were given to us. I share them purely for your information. This is not intended to be an endorsement for any of the following groups.

The National Center for Constitutional Studies will be presenting a Principles of Liberty Seminar on Saturday, July 18 from 8:00am to 4:30 pm at Mesquite High School 500 S. McQueen Rd. Gilbert, AZ the cost is $20 per person or $35 per couple register online at (Tuition includes Lunch and the Book "The 5000 Year Leap" by W. Cleon Skousen. (I have attended Seminars through The National Center for Constitutional Studies before and they are extremely informative.)
The New American-REAL current issues
Gilbert 912 project (Glen Beck) Sounds like our organization
202-224-3121 -Switchboard for all U.S. Senators and Representatives
The Constitution Party (group trying to form a new political party)
Coalition for a Conservative Majority (Grassroots action and Advocacy organization)
Chandler Mayor and Council Email: mayor&

We'll continue to list these links in the link list to the right.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Christmas in July?

It has long been lamented that Christmas has become commercialized and more of a secular tradition than a celebration of the birth of our Savior.
It occurred to me while watching one of the thousands of fireworks shows that took place across the nation that Independence Day is no different. I looked at the large crowd gathered where I and my family were and wondered how many of them, or of the tens of millions likewise congregated, really understand anymore what we are commemorating. Or is it just a fun activity and excuse to take a day off work and have a BBQ?
Do they realize how far the current condition of our republic is removed from that envisioned by our founders? Do they care?
It is not unusual for me to hold back tears while watching the annual celebration. What was unusual is that this time they were not so much tears of appreciation for our great republic as they were tears of mourning for her.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Wall Street Journal Article on Cap and Trade

Here's an informative article from the Wall Street Journal on the merits/demerits of Cap and Trade. Here's to enlightening ourselves and others. Please tell others so that we can get back in control of things!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Read a bit about George Washington this 4th...

I am grateful for this great country - we live in a choice land! I give thanks today for all that we have, and pledge to my country that I will try harder to be a righteous citizen -- to further the values and principles that men and women have died for from the beginning. I pledge to not give into the cynicism that I have felt for so long that "nothing can be done about corruption", "fighting against bureaucracies is for 'someone else' or is 'a lost cause.'" I will use my influence, my strength, my spirit, my choices, my professional expertise, etc. to do what I can, and I will let Him do the rest. I have been inspired by George Washington, and am SO grateful to be reading of his life and the nobility of his character. If he could endure all that pain, heartache, rejection, manipulation, mutiny, defeat, etc. for 8 years during the Revolutionary War (I haven't gotten to the presidency yet) and eventually triumph, then my duty to my country has to at least be that I will not give up in speaking out against tyranny, corruption, deceit, betrayal--at least while I have breath! I pledge to use my influence to strengthen my family and others, so that they can believe in themselves and the God who created them and loves them. This is a great country, and we are a great people that need to humble ourselves, to awaken our faculties, to return to good principles and values, and to spread the word. I am honored to attend our tea party tomorrow. Happy 4th people, and God Bless America!
Carol Ramsay-Scott, LCSW

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tea Parties and Town Halls

Tea Parties

Here is a web page with a link to all of the 4th of July Tea Parties we know about so far.

AFPF Taxpayer Town Halls

Southeast Valley Taxpayer Town Hall
Thursday, July 16, 2009
7:00pm to 9:00 pm
San Tan Flat Steakhouse
Legislation Districts: 21, 22, 23 (Gilbert, Chandler, Queen Creek)
Speakers: Legislators, Dr. Eric Novack (Health Care Reform)

Information Requested on Afghanistan

By Jason Mow
Subject: Info requested about Afghanistan

I originally posted this several weeks ago in an e-mail. At the last meeting I was asked to re- post this along with some photos of my adventures in Afghanistan. When I sent this out we were dealing with the Somali Pirates and the question was asked why it took so long to solve a basic security problem and why we waited for 5 days to invoke our rights as humans to not be terrorized by thugs and criminals. Social engendering has left us impotent and no better then sheep when we face a clear and present danger to our freedom and security.

100 years ago we as a society would hang a criminal for stealing a horse in the public square for to see and remember that there is consequence to our actions. Now we are told by those who “We” have empowered to control our life that if a criminal is breaking into our home where our children are sleeping the best option is for us to hide in the closet and pray the “Government” arrives in time to stop the thug from hurting us. Then we willingly spend on average $50,000 a year to make the criminal comfortable and secure while he pays back his debt to society.

IF only you all knew how widespread this problem really is. From Command Authority, to the local law enforcement, to you and me (we) have all collectively lost the will or refuse to fight for our own freedom.

Example #1: The city of Phoenix is the kidnapping capital of America and second in the world only to Mexico City. Drug cartels and criminal street gangs are dressing up like cops and kicking in doors taking whole family hostage for ransom. Every day we, the police, find dead bodies left on the streets as a warning to others not to re port or interfere. Children and young women are raped and/or sold into the sex trade. Boys forced to assist in the illegal sales, transporting and distribution of drugs on our streets. Mothers and fathers ripped from their children and held against their will. Remember, it took 5 days for our military to free one American man from four teenage thugs floating in a life boat. They were completely surrounded by the most powerful Navy the world has ever known, 1/2 a world away in the middle of the ocean. We, the American government, controlled every aspect of the encounter including the news media and the flow of information. Yet still we refused to save the hostage. It was dealt with only when the local Navy commander on scene made a career ending choice to let the Navy SEALS shoot the thugs as they tried to kill the hostage. If you noticed that right after this event, that Navy Commander was whisked away from the media spot light and has not been heard from at all. He embarrassed the White House and has been “reassigned”. Knowing this, how long do you think it will take for the local government to act if it is your family the drug lords take tonight, here in Chandler, with the ACLU, the Reverend Al Sharpton and La Raza watching? I know how long it will be...Those criminals are nothing more then land pirates and should be treated as such.

Example #2: CNN reports, and I personally witnessed, that 96% of the world’s supply of raw opium comes from the poppy fields of Afghanistan. The only reason the Taliban are even a threat to us is the funding that they get from the sales of this opium on the world market. That's right folks, a fact you will never see or hear on the news is the Taliban control the opium trade. Opium is processed into heroin and sold to our children on the very street in front of Basha High School. The poppy plant is where the Taliban get opium from and I have stood in fields of poppy plants that were larger then the cotton or corn fields here in south Chandler. Our official government stance on the poppy fields is "Leave them alone". The very product the enemy of freedom is using to fund the holy jihad against us is the same product the United States Military has been told not to harm in any way. It is also the product that the government will not stop by closing our borders and holding the drug dealers accountable for their actions. Imagine what would happen when our fathers and grandfathers were fighting the Nazis if General Patton came up to the President of the United States and said, "We have found a factory were the Germans are making tanks to kill American soldiers. We want to blow up the factory to stop them from making the tanks.” and the President replied, "No you can't destroy the factory we don't want to upset the workers or make the leaders of Germany angry at us." I know what would have happened then and I sure do know what is happening now...what are you willing to do for your freedom? By my reckoning the trouble in Afghanistan could all be over in 6 weeks. Yup, by the time your children go back to school we could be done fighting in Afghanistan. No poppy, no money, no money, no guns and road side bombs. No food or clothing or payments to Taliban fighters. Another dark secret…the Taliban is getting paid to fight, no freedom fighters in Afghanistan, everyone has their hands out in this conflict.

I could list all day long!!!! Are you sick and tired of all the lies and falsehoods?

Ask yourself these questions.

What would General Washington do?
What would General Joshua do?
What would General Moroni do?

Don't we teach our own children the stories and deeds of these great men?

Are these good men?
Are these honorable men?
Are they in paradise with God right now?

Freedom is not free.

I say again…What are you prepared to do?

This photo is of me standing in a poppy field in the Herat region of Afghanistan.

The second is of me with my "Gurka" security officer. The Gurka's are a legendary warrior tribe of people who live in the mountains of Nepal. We are getting ready to go find some evil doers.

Open Letter to Congressman Flake

As many of you already know, our congressional representative, Jeff Flake, missed a crucial day in Congress last Friday when the House passed a very controversial bill known as "cap and trade". As many of you also know, the bill passed by a very slim margin, seven votes to be exact. We can discuss the bill's pros (are there any?) and cons in another post. The reason for this post is to share with you a letter Jason Mow wrote to Congressman Flake in response to his absence for the vote.
Congressman Flake,

I was truly sadden and appalled at the news of your absence during the vote in Congress for the Cap and Trade Bill. Your leadership and strong stance against this massive socialistic taxation bill is what is most needed from our representation in Washington and sadly what is most lacking.

As a family man, I completely understand the emotions felt when a choice is needed between family and civic responsibilities. I have been making those choices my entire adult life. I have spent the last 17 years in the service of my country as both a professional soldier and a law enforcement officer. I can not recount all the holidays, birthdays, reunions, pageants, sporting events, weddings, funerals, graduations, trips to the zoo, skinned knees, and pretty new Sunday dresses I missed out on while honorably serving my country. You are not special or alone in this world. My family is fully aware of the sacrifice I make and understand it is their sacred offering before God, upon the alter of freedom, to support me in the cause of liberty and defense of the Constitution of the United States of America.

I respectfully remind you, Sir, you asked to be sent to Washington to be the voice of the people and stand up for the rights of the Americans living within your district. You know full and well the requirements of your time. You understood that it would mean time away from your family and sacrificing personal feelings for the greater good.

You are being well paid and well compensated for your time. Time that is to be spent reminding the federal government what the Constitution says, and demanding, with force if necessary, that the rights of the people in your district not be infringed.

I refer to hallowed antiquity and to the man who without question is the most important figure in American history. I speak of none other then General Washington. Remember, he was called out of retirement three separate times to serve his country and did so willingly. He refused to be paid while serving as commander of all patriot forces during the Revolutionary War. He left his beloved home, Mt Vernon, for years at a time then only returning when the war was won and finding it practically in ruin. He had children die while he served his country. He was long separated from his wife Martha. When he could no longer bear being apart from his beloved wife, he brought her to the horrors of Valley Forge where he refused to leave his men. Because of his commitment to his fellow man and his new country his personal fortune was destroyed. When he was sworn in as the first President of the United States he was in such financial desperation that he did not have a proper suit and needed to borrow money from a friend to get a new one.

I could continue on but I would instead direct you to the volumes of books dedicated to the memory of General Washington and his service. I would suggest you read some of them and gain a better understanding of your responsibility as a public servant and the standard he set for all of us as Americans.

This is a critical time for America. I listened while you spoke of a need to renew values and common sense in Washington. I supported you as you fought against the evils of our day. I even campaigned for you and spent my sacred funds in support of our causes. Now I fell betrayed by your actions. You abandoned your post as the enemies of liberty advanced. I am quite sure what your reaction would be if, as a soldier, I fled the battle field while facing the enemy in the heat of conflict or, as a police officer, I refused to sacrifice my life to save your family or rescue your fortunes from criminals. My contempt is real and my anger is justified.

If this occupation is to tasking and requires too much of your time and talent, then as your employer, I accept your resignation. If you feel being present to vote in opposition of the most audacious assault on American liberty is to tasking or time consuming then you are free to step aside.

We are all accountable to the Maker of heaven and earth for our actions. Like I tell my children, “Right or wrong, good or bad, the consequences for our actions will someday be ours alone.”

I refer to your own words from your web site.

Washington, D.C., Jun 26 -

Republican Congressman Jeff Flake, who represents Arizona’s Sixth District, criticized the cap and trade bill that passed today.

“The last thing a fragile economy needs is a new energy tax, yet that’s essentially what this cap and trade bill is,” said Flake. “This bill is more about generating revenue for the federal government than it is about addressing climate change.”

Unfortunately, Congressman Flake was unable to vote on the bill due to a family obligation. Congressman Flake’s daughter was Arizona’s representative in the America’s Junior Miss scholarship program, and Congressman Flake and his wife were there supporting her.

“Obviously, it was a tough decision to miss voting against the cap and trade bill. But I’ve let my daughter down enough over the years, and I felt I just couldn’t let her down again.”

Had he been able to vote, he would have voted against the bill. Unless it is changed substantially, Congressman Flake will vote against the cap and trade conference report when it comes back to the House.

All the words in the English language did not make us free men so long ago. Words are as cheep as the paper they are written on. It is action that makes us free. Action at places such as, Bunker Hill, Trenton, Bull Run, Gettysburg, The Alamo, The Somme, Pearl Harbor, Normandy, Iwo Jima, Pork Chop Hill, Heartbreak Ridge, Tet, The Ia Drang Valley, Beirut, Panama, Mogadishu, Baghdad, Kabul, and the Twin Towers. All of these places are now hollowed ground where Americans drew a line in the stand and said “not one more step back.” These places are where American men and women who “More then self their country loved” stopped speaking and started acting. They acted on their belief that this country is more important then there own “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor”. Arlington is full of the grave markers of men and women who will never see their daughters in a pageant, what makes you so special?

Sir, either lead us or get out of the way.

Jason Mow

Good News!

It is confirmed. Chris Simcox will be meeting with us on Thursday the 30th of July at 6:30 PM at Jarrod White's home. He will be address us about his campaign against McCain and then answer any questions we may have. I will be sending out flyers and reminders along the way. I just wanted to give the heads up now so you all can put it on your calendar. I will need some support in finding additional chairs to allow everyone a seat, if anyone has some please let me know. Also, if anyone would like to arrange for some snacks and desserts again please let me know. Pass the word along to all you know. The only way theses people are going to know we mean business is if we pack the house with angry voters every time we meet with them.

Jason Mow

Hyperinflation...what does it mean?

Please take a minute and watch all three of these videos. It will be worth every minute of your time. I've heard about hyperinflation but I haven't really understood what that means in terms of what to expect. This series was very eye opening to say the least.