Monday, September 7, 2009

The Obama Speech

Obama's speech to our children is posted:

For me, it was a well written speech on the value of education and personal responsibility. These are values that I hold dear and I am glad to see the President express those same values. I am glad the White House and the DOE reversed their initial message and intent and spent the better part of the weekend to change it.

With that said, I still want to watch him deliver the speech. I am still keeping my children from school for the reasons in my letter. I will decide in the privacy of my own home and through my sacred calling and honor of being a parent by my Heavenly Father... how I will incorporate this message to add to what we are already teaching (if at all).

Further, it is my prayer that the President will take his own remarks on "personal responsibility" and apply it consistently in his current social philosophy. Personal responsibility is an individual value. We are responsible for ourselves. Service to others is also our personal responsibility and can only be given through our free agency. Forcing the care of another onto somebody else does not teach personal responsibility and robs the individual of their Charity.

God Bless,

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