Friday, July 31, 2009



Scott said...


Ruth said...

Do you listen to these scare-mongers often? Do you realize that the government has been doing this since George Bush set up his Homeland Security department? It behooves us all to be cautious, which is why we accessed this sight from our car dealership, and feel really good about the government's ability to monitor exactly where their/our money is going. 'Nuff said!

laurie said...

Rationalizing bad behavior with more bad behavior is not a winning argument. If you were against it then, you should be against it now. I will continue to stand for principles and values over platitudes and propoganda. I wouldn't call myself fearful either...just well informed!

Scott said...

Yeah, I feel really good about the government declaring that EVERY FILE on those computers now basically belongs to the government. What could possibly go wrong?
Please pass the Kool Aid.