Friday, July 3, 2009

Read a bit about George Washington this 4th...

I am grateful for this great country - we live in a choice land! I give thanks today for all that we have, and pledge to my country that I will try harder to be a righteous citizen -- to further the values and principles that men and women have died for from the beginning. I pledge to not give into the cynicism that I have felt for so long that "nothing can be done about corruption", "fighting against bureaucracies is for 'someone else' or is 'a lost cause.'" I will use my influence, my strength, my spirit, my choices, my professional expertise, etc. to do what I can, and I will let Him do the rest. I have been inspired by George Washington, and am SO grateful to be reading of his life and the nobility of his character. If he could endure all that pain, heartache, rejection, manipulation, mutiny, defeat, etc. for 8 years during the Revolutionary War (I haven't gotten to the presidency yet) and eventually triumph, then my duty to my country has to at least be that I will not give up in speaking out against tyranny, corruption, deceit, betrayal--at least while I have breath! I pledge to use my influence to strengthen my family and others, so that they can believe in themselves and the God who created them and loves them. This is a great country, and we are a great people that need to humble ourselves, to awaken our faculties, to return to good principles and values, and to spread the word. I am honored to attend our tea party tomorrow. Happy 4th people, and God Bless America!
Carol Ramsay-Scott, LCSW

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