Thursday, July 9, 2009

Screaming at my TV - I promise I'm not crazy

I have NEVER in my LIFE felt like my head would explode, but I am SCREAMING at the TV right now as I listen to the President of the United States of America posturing before the world, claiming his right to obligate us to not only pump massive funding into correcting global climate change (while China, Brazil and India abstain) and HELPING other LESS FORTUNATE countries to do the same. I can't stand it, and I am generally a reasonable human being. It is my natural reaction, and I can't stop myself. My 17 year old thinks I am going insane, but insanity breeds insanity. I am unable to fathom how to stop this, but we MUST try anything we can.

My proclamation for the day: THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS BROKE--what do we NOT understand about that... Please take a financial management class dear Government officials. Spend less than you earn...

1 comment:

Scott said...

And did you hear the administration spokesman that said, in so many words, that fighting global warming is too important to wait and that it doesn't matter how much it costs or that we are in recession.
They are willing to destroy this nation's economy in an attempt to prevent something that may not even be happening, is likely not man-caused if it is happening, is probably not man-reversible, and with the worlds largest polluters refusing to play along would make only minimal impact.
OMG! I need some Advil!