Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Information Requested on Afghanistan

By Jason Mow
Subject: Info requested about Afghanistan

I originally posted this several weeks ago in an e-mail. At the last meeting I was asked to re- post this along with some photos of my adventures in Afghanistan. When I sent this out we were dealing with the Somali Pirates and the question was asked why it took so long to solve a basic security problem and why we waited for 5 days to invoke our rights as humans to not be terrorized by thugs and criminals. Social engendering has left us impotent and no better then sheep when we face a clear and present danger to our freedom and security.

100 years ago we as a society would hang a criminal for stealing a horse in the public square for to see and remember that there is consequence to our actions. Now we are told by those who “We” have empowered to control our life that if a criminal is breaking into our home where our children are sleeping the best option is for us to hide in the closet and pray the “Government” arrives in time to stop the thug from hurting us. Then we willingly spend on average $50,000 a year to make the criminal comfortable and secure while he pays back his debt to society.

IF only you all knew how widespread this problem really is. From Command Authority, to the local law enforcement, to you and me (we) have all collectively lost the will or refuse to fight for our own freedom.

Example #1: The city of Phoenix is the kidnapping capital of America and second in the world only to Mexico City. Drug cartels and criminal street gangs are dressing up like cops and kicking in doors taking whole family hostage for ransom. Every day we, the police, find dead bodies left on the streets as a warning to others not to re port or interfere. Children and young women are raped and/or sold into the sex trade. Boys forced to assist in the illegal sales, transporting and distribution of drugs on our streets. Mothers and fathers ripped from their children and held against their will. Remember, it took 5 days for our military to free one American man from four teenage thugs floating in a life boat. They were completely surrounded by the most powerful Navy the world has ever known, 1/2 a world away in the middle of the ocean. We, the American government, controlled every aspect of the encounter including the news media and the flow of information. Yet still we refused to save the hostage. It was dealt with only when the local Navy commander on scene made a career ending choice to let the Navy SEALS shoot the thugs as they tried to kill the hostage. If you noticed that right after this event, that Navy Commander was whisked away from the media spot light and has not been heard from at all. He embarrassed the White House and has been “reassigned”. Knowing this, how long do you think it will take for the local government to act if it is your family the drug lords take tonight, here in Chandler, with the ACLU, the Reverend Al Sharpton and La Raza watching? I know how long it will be...Those criminals are nothing more then land pirates and should be treated as such.

Example #2: CNN reports, and I personally witnessed, that 96% of the world’s supply of raw opium comes from the poppy fields of Afghanistan. The only reason the Taliban are even a threat to us is the funding that they get from the sales of this opium on the world market. That's right folks, a fact you will never see or hear on the news is the Taliban control the opium trade. Opium is processed into heroin and sold to our children on the very street in front of Basha High School. The poppy plant is where the Taliban get opium from and I have stood in fields of poppy plants that were larger then the cotton or corn fields here in south Chandler. Our official government stance on the poppy fields is "Leave them alone". The very product the enemy of freedom is using to fund the holy jihad against us is the same product the United States Military has been told not to harm in any way. It is also the product that the government will not stop by closing our borders and holding the drug dealers accountable for their actions. Imagine what would happen when our fathers and grandfathers were fighting the Nazis if General Patton came up to the President of the United States and said, "We have found a factory were the Germans are making tanks to kill American soldiers. We want to blow up the factory to stop them from making the tanks.” and the President replied, "No you can't destroy the factory we don't want to upset the workers or make the leaders of Germany angry at us." I know what would have happened then and I sure do know what is happening now...what are you willing to do for your freedom? By my reckoning the trouble in Afghanistan could all be over in 6 weeks. Yup, by the time your children go back to school we could be done fighting in Afghanistan. No poppy, no money, no money, no guns and road side bombs. No food or clothing or payments to Taliban fighters. Another dark secret…the Taliban is getting paid to fight, no freedom fighters in Afghanistan, everyone has their hands out in this conflict.

I could list all day long!!!! Are you sick and tired of all the lies and falsehoods?

Ask yourself these questions.

What would General Washington do?
What would General Joshua do?
What would General Moroni do?

Don't we teach our own children the stories and deeds of these great men?

Are these good men?
Are these honorable men?
Are they in paradise with God right now?

Freedom is not free.

I say again…What are you prepared to do?

This photo is of me standing in a poppy field in the Herat region of Afghanistan.

The second is of me with my "Gurka" security officer. The Gurka's are a legendary warrior tribe of people who live in the mountains of Nepal. We are getting ready to go find some evil doers.

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