Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Obama and Off shore drilling...

Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling...

Boehner: Obama Administration’s Decision Keeps Vast Majority of America’s Offshore Energy Resources Off Limits | Republican Leader John Boehner

Retire Harry Reid!

I-Caucus has endorsed Bill Parson to run for the US Senate from Nevada. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from National University and a Master of Science degree from the University of Phoenix. Throughout his career he has never had a Project over run it’s budget or finish late, unlike those presently representing us now in DC.

Retire Barbara Boxer

Chuck DeVore is running for the US Senate from California, hoping to unseat Barbara Boxer. Wouldn't that be wonderful for us all! He is an iCaucus endorsed candidate and CA's first election fundraising deadline ends at midnight tonight. So donate to his campaign by going here:

Monday, March 29, 2010

My Visit to Ronald Reagan's Library

I came away from a visit to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library last weekend with renewed peace. I came away inspired. There have been men worthy of our regard and our trust, even in our not so distant past. We walked through the library with our son-in-law Navy seabee and his bride, and I felt proud of an American leader.

Although still skeptical, we spoke to a man outside who had a Marine t-shirt on, and was clutching a framed photo. We helped he and his wife take a picture, and I asked him about the picture he was holding. It was a picture of him, in full dress uniform, standing in front of President Reagan and his helicopter, back when he was in service. I had to ask, "Seriously, what was he like?" The response encouraged me: "He was a real man. A great man. So gracious and honorable." I posted that to my facebook page, and a HS friend chimed in: "I was there, too. I agree!"

So I swallowed my wallet and paid $17 for a reproduction of a plaque that this good man had on his desk. It now stands on my desk as a reminder for my own personal fights, and the fight for our nation. It is strengthening me every time I see it. Borrow it if you wish... Battles will be lost -- we can win the war. Fight - in any way you can. And BELIEVE. Have HOPE. And CHARITY.

"It CAN be done." God bless you, President Reagan. I'll remember.

Joe the Plumber in Phoenix last week

Here's a nice video - Sign the declaration at

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Freedom vs. Freedom

I happened across this report on the "freedoms" granted by Obamacare on the Drudge Report.

After having you're spirits lifted by that inspiring article, check out the video.

Who will be the next William Wallace?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Check out these new ads asking President Obama to enforce our immigration laws so that more Americans can get employment. They come from NumbersUSA.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Stop the "Slaughter" of the Constitution!!!

Please check out this link and then make the calls or any action necessary. The "Slaughter Solution" must be stopped, it will cause unprecedented damage to our Republic and the rules governing it. Share with a friend, email to your email list...let's get the word out!

Stop the Slaughter

Monday, March 1, 2010

Picture of the Day

We should all look into getting one of these...

Picture information: is of a billboard recently established
on I-75 just south of Lake City . A group gathered there to celebrate its
unveiling. The cost of 10 months rental of the billboard and doing the artwork
was $6500. We feel that is a reasonable cost to reach out to 1,000,000 vehicles
per month and perhaps motivate their participation in the electoral process to
get our country on a sound footing.