Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Forgotten Treasures - A Way to Save America
Did you know that even the President of the United States has no jurisdiction over a County Sheriff ? Nor does IRS or the Federal Government. Now is the time to...shall we say... Support Your Local Sheriff. You may soon need him/her. Watch this video as soon as possible.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Day of Fasting & Prayer for the Republic!
Location: Across the Fruited Plain
Organized By: Jared Law
Event Description:
Let us Fast and Pray for the Republic on Monday, September 28th, 2009!
I think everybody reading this knows that we are living in perilous times, and that our beloved nation is in great distress.
I could list all of the reasons we face peril, but they are too long to list in this small space. Most of you know what we're facing now, thanks to Glenn Beck and other Liberty-loving Patriots.
On Saturday, Glenn Beck tweeted a request that we all Fast and Pray for the Republic.
The 9.12 Project Network, the largest and fastest-growing of all 9.12-related networks in the world, is heeding that call.
Please join us as we fast and pray for the Republic of the United States of America on Monday, September 28th, 2009!
Whether you fast two or three meals, please remember to dedicate your fast with a dedicatory prayer, so that effort is specifically dedicated to this effort to help our beloved nation.
Then when you break your fast, please also remember another prayer (in addition to all your prayers during the fast) to close the fast and to Thank God for that which he has done, and will do to bless our efforts to restore our Republic, and to save it from the peril we have found ourselves in over the past few years, and most especially now.
Thank you so much for all you have already done, Fellow Principled Patriots!
Spread the word; please invite all 9.12'ers you know (and invite new ones as well) to join us in fasting and praying for the Republic on 9/28/09! Have a wonderful week!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Defensive Line for life
Be a Part of the Defensive Line for Life!Dear Friend,
I wanted to thank you for the many wonderful notes and messages about my meeting at the White House yesterday. I so appreciate your support and encouragement! Thursday afternoon, I did have the opportunity to meet with senior White House officials, including President Obama’s Domestic Policy Advisor, to discuss our concerns about the abortion mandate in health care reform.
In the discussion we focused on our key message: Real health care respects life . . . and the American people do not want to subsidize abortion as part of health care. AUL Staff Counsel Mary Harned joined me and we also delivered our petition of close to 40,000 petition signatures protesting the abortion mandate in the health care proposals. Thank you to each one of you who took the time to sign this petition!
Our discussion concentrated on how the abortion mandate works. Our legal team developed a simple chart for the meeting entitled “Understand the Abortion Mandate” that I think is just terrific - take a look at it here and share it with a friend. In the days ahead, as this political battle heats up, the pro-life movement has to stay informed and motivated.
Click here to view my interview on FOX News with Megyn Kelly:
The bottom line is this: we have to have a specific statutory amendment that includes an explicit ban on federal funding and coverage or we will be forced to subsidize abortion through health care reform.
These days I’m spending a lot of time on the weekends watching my son John play football and seeing the play unfold on the field makes me think of what I’m seeing on the political field: the abortion lobby is trying to run a trick play, with a little razzle-dazzle thrown in, to maneuver around the Hyde Amendment which has blocked abortion funding in the past.
We need a tough Defensive Line for Life! In the next few weeks to months, this battle is only going to get bigger and tougher. We need you to stay with us as we work to ensure that life is protected in health care reform. We will not give up and we will continue to fight vigorously any legislation that does not protect and defend the sanctity of life. Will you please take a minute to forward this email to a friend and make sure that they understand the abortion mandate?
Thank you for joining me in protecting and defending life!
For Life,
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Monday, September 14, 2009
Great pictures of the March on Washington
To characterize the people that came and the revolutionary feel to it, Laurie and I spoke to a man on the Metro enroute to the march who commented first that he didn't have a t-shirt or anything special to wear. He said that he'd just hopped on a plane that morning from Florida, because he'd "just heard about it" and he felt "compelled to come." Actually, everywhere we went before and after, people were coming up to us (if we didn't first), introducing themselves, asking how we thought it went, just being excited! More later...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
The Obama Speech
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Dear Community,
I pondered on what this means. To me, this is a blatant circumvention of my parental responsibilities and rights. This is breaking the chain of command and the natural order of the family. I am the patriarch and standard bearer of my family. There is absolutely NO reason for the President of the United States to distract from the important issues of the day to give a speech to our children without our supervision. Frankly, the President’s agenda is not in line with my agenda. As a parent, it is my RESPONSIBILITY to preview any message from the President and filter out any damaging Marxist or Statist views and goals that will challenge my authority and responsibility as a parent. Barack Obama has not established himself as anything other than a partisan politician with a Marxist agenda. He has no report with my community or my family. This is not just my view, but the view of a majority of Americans per the latest polls.
Barack Obama has declared on several occasions that he intends on building a “new foundation” for America. He has surrounded himself with “special advisors” commonly referred to as “Czars” to help him establish this “new foundation”. It is clear that the “new foundation” intended for America includes a certain social justice, redistribution of property, population control, forced public service, increased taxation, increased government participation and control over markets and trade, increased government control over communication and speech, increased control over education, and intrusion in our private lives. The Czars are not shy or deceptive in their speeches or writings. We are blessed that they have been direct and clear in their intentions, so there is little doubt where they stand and what they want.
In Arne Duncan’s letter to the schools, he acknowledges that a President has never addressed our children directly before and refers to a “new foundation” and “social progress”. Further, the letter declares to educators that their “task” is paramount above all others for the future of our Nation. I strongly disagree with this conflicting and confusing message. The FAMILY is the foundation of this Nation. The FAMILY is the only social structure ordained by our Creator with the mantle of raising children and instilling values. Every President before this one knew that this kind of communication, usurping the parents authority and responsibility, was completely inappropriate. Every President before this one knew that giving out homework or a lesson plan to follow was an abuse of Federal authority. Further, the speech establishes further and unwelcomed Federal Government intervention in the affairs of my State, my County, my township, my community, and my family. The 10th amendment of the Constitution limits the federal government to the roles and responsibilities outlined therein. Everything else is reserved to the State and the People. Matters of Education are local. We elect school boards and hire Principals to insure our children’s education is closely aligned with the standards and principles of our families, so that it does not reflect the views of some idealist or activist in a land far far away.
Letter to the Principals
Please forward this email everyone you know. You should jot down your own thoughts and feelings concerning this and forward to your contacts and copy the Board Members and Principals at our schools. Below is a message to CUSD concerning this letter. I am calling for an emergency Board Meeting. For those of you in Gilbert Schools… I would encourage you to follow suit.
Principles, Educators, Administrators, and School Board Members,
You are copied on this email as a courtesy. If this video is to be shown, my child will be absent and my child will not participate in any of the work mandated by a man that has grossly opposing political, economic, and social views. I do not expect that my child will suffer any retaliation in assessment or treatment. My children are being raised with the principles and values of our Nation’s founding fathers and the tenets of my Faith. I highly encourage you to resist any temptation to allow this very unusual and inappropriate communication from the Federal Government to take place. If you want discussion, I would highly encourage you to hold an emergency Public Board Meeting concerning this matter. If you choose to forfeit your responsibilities for the taxpayers of this community to the encroaching influence of the Federal Government, please be advised that this community has had enough and is taking action to regain control over our communities and our schools. It is our prayer that you will join us in rejecting this seemingly polite invitation from our recklessly managed, morally bankrupt, and flawed Federal government.
Jarrod White